Trying to Speed Up Code - Matrix Indexing Help?

The background to this problem is that Igor defines atan as between -π/2 and +π/2, and I need the full 360°. So, I wrote a function ("CorrectATan") which not only flips the results when needed to get 0-2π, but also does a little perturbation for those special cases when the value that goes into atan from my work will yield a NaN result (and subsequently mess everything up).

Here's the code ... don't pay attention to all the variables, that's really unimportant for my question:

ThreadSafe Function CorrectATan(x_center_mass_degrees,y_center_mass_degrees,d_planet_radius,rim_lon_temp,rim_lat_temp,rim_lat,rim_lon)
Variable x_center_mass_degrees,y_center_mass_degrees,d_planet_radius
Wave rim_lon_temp,rim_lat_temp,rim_lat,rim_lon
Variable i, d
    if(rim_lon[i] < x_center_mass_degrees)
        rim_lon_temp[i] *= -1
        rim_lat_temp[i] *= -1
        if(rim_lon[i] == x_center_mass_degrees) //special case that results in NaN
            d = (sin((rim_lat[i]-y_center_mass_degrees)*pi/180/2))^2 + cos(rim_lat[i]*pi/180)*cos(y_center_mass_degrees*pi/180)*(sin((rim_lon[i]-x_center_mass_degrees)*pi/180/2))^2
            d = 2*atan2(sqrt(d),sqrt(1-d)) * d_planet_radius
            rim_lon_temp[i] = 0
            rim_lat_temp[i] = d * (rim_lat[i]-y_center_mass_degrees)/(((rim_lon[i]+1e-5)-x_center_mass_degrees)*sqrt(1.+(rim_lat[i]-y_center_mass_degrees)^2/((rim_lon[i]+1e-5)-x_center_mass_degrees)^2))
    i += 1
while(i < numpnts(rim_lon))

This code is fairly slow because it has a do-while loop that goes over every single point, when typically only half the points actually need to be switched over. I thought of doing a Sort and then BinarySearch, but sorts are much slower (O(N*log(N))) than simple iterative searching (O(N)).

After recently learning of the Extract, I thought I'd try that out, if nothing else for the first if-else statement to pull that outside the loop:

Extract/O/INDX rim_lon,index_Temp, (rim_lon < x_center_mass_degrees)
if(numpnts(index_Temp) > 0)
    rim_lon_temp[index_Temp[]] *= -1
    rim_lat_temp[index_Temp[]] *= -1

Problem is, apparently I can't index that way on the left side of the *= sign, and index_Temp may be equal, to, say, {1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17}. So, I had to do this:

Extract/O/INDX rim_lon,index_Temp, (rim_lon < x_center_mass_degrees)
if(numpnts(index_Temp) > 0)
        rim_lon_temp[index_Temp[i]] *= -1
        rim_lat_temp[index_Temp[i]] *= -1
        i += 1
    while(i < numpnts(index_Temp))

And now I'm at a point where my code takes longer to run than it did before, probably because it still has to do a loop over ~half the points and also do the Extract now.

So ... any ideas? Is it at all possible to index "rim_lon_temp" and "rim_lat_temp" the way I want to? Or is there a better solution?

To give you an idea of time-savings, on code that took 2 minutes to run initially, if I were to remove the CorrectATan part, it runs in 80 seconds. And that's on a small part of my database. So, this is something that could save hours in the long run.

atan2(y1, x1 )
The atan2 function returns the angle in radians whose tangent is y1 / x1. Results are in the range -pi to pi.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
The issue's not quite that simple, and perhaps my function is poorly named (and I just spent the last 15 minutes reading my comment blocks to figure out what I was doing). The problem is: I have points of a circle (lat/lon) in decimal degrees (rim_lat, rim_lon). I know the center (x_center_mass, y_center_mass). I want to convert those rim points in decimal degrees to kilometers given a planet's radius (d_planet_radius, d=double ... carry-over from C).

I'm doing that by using the simpler Great Circle formula from here.

dist = (sin((rim_lat-y_center_mass_degrees)*pi/180/2))^2 + cos(rim_lat*pi/180)*cos(y_center_mass_degrees*pi/180)*(sin((rim_lon-x_center_mass_degrees)*pi/180/2))^2
dist = 2*atan2(sqrt(dist),sqrt(1-dist)) * d_planet_radius

So, I have my distance. Now I need to know the actual angle between the center and my rim points so that I can put the rim points at not only the correct distance from the center, but also the correct angle.

Doing that uses a lot of PITA math (and requires that special case I mentioned in my initial post because you can sometimes get a division by 0):

rim_lon_temp = dist * 1./sqrt(1.+(rim_lat-y_center_mass_degrees)^2/(rim_lon-x_center_mass_degrees)^2)
rim_lat_temp = dist * (rim_lat-y_center_mass_degrees)/((rim_lon-x_center_mass_degrees)*sqrt(1.+(rim_lat-y_center_mass_degrees)^2/(rim_lon-x_center_mass_degrees)^2))

When that's done, I have my angle, but only between ±π/2. So it's not actually an ATan correction (I may have thought it was when I initially programmed it 13 months ago), but rather a solving-for-angles-maybe-±sqrt-issue.

I don't want the overhead of solving a full Vincenty set of equations because that level of accuracy isn't needed, and it would take significantly longer to iterate until a solution converged.

Anyway, that's why I said to ignore the purpose of the algorithm and focus more on the general idea of a way to make that kind of indexing faster, if possible.
Why a do-while with if else if ... end if over all points instead of a direct pass over the wave with implicit test constructions?

Perhaps push the special case function out (though I could not speak to its ThreadSafe compatibility) ...

rim_lon_temp = rim_lon[p] < x_center_mass_degrees ? -rim_lon_temp : rim_lon_temp
rim_lon_temp = rim_lon[p] == x_center_mass_degrees ? rim_lon_temp : 0
rim_lat_temp = rim_lon[p] < x_center_mass_degrees ? -rim_lat_temp : rim_lat_temp
rim_lon_temp = rim_lon[p] == x_center_mass_degrees ? rim_lon_temp : MySpecialATANFunction(rim_lat[p], y_center_mass_degrees, d)

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
Ahh ... if I had known about such a wonderful iif / ?: mechanism, I might've tried that earlier. My only formal programming class was in high school in 2000-2001.

I also just realized that my special case for the latitude reduces to just d. Very long and complicated way to get all those numbers to equal 1.