Project Releases

Release File: Super Quick (19 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.14
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 14
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Fixed bug: The first 1D user function in the menu list was always deactivated.
Release File: Super Quick (18.96 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.13
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 13
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Added support for 2D user functions.
Release File: Super Quick (18.52 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.12
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 12
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Fixed bug: Local settings could not be cleared.
  • Fixed bug: custom fit functions did not fully support 2D x-waves.
  • Added panel for global settings.
  • Introduced pntCol_xw to designate column of a 2D x-wave for fitting.
  • Now generic (fit-func agnostic) post-processing is executed, when a function with the name SuperQuickFit_derivedVals() exists.
  • More robust handling of derivedVals functions.
  • Added option to enforce fit trace style.
  • Fitting individual columns now creates separate result annotations for each column.
  • Correct trace markers are displayed now inside annotations when 'Fit Individual 2D Columns' is active.
Release File: Super Quick (16.51 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.11
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 11
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Improved initial guesses for the DoubleGauss peak coefficients.
  • Added support for data plotted with column tags.
  • Column tags, instead of column numbers, are used for CurveFit commands if available.
  • Added support for x-wave columns (traces plotted against a column of a 2D wave).
  • Fixed bug: It was not possible to set the start and end points with cursors directly.
  • Now the proper axis of the image / trace is used.
Release File: Super Quick (15.41 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.10
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 1
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Added option to create a separate fit wave for each column of a 2D wave.
  • Traces are appended to the correct axis if the source is not plotted on the default axis.
  • New settings menu to choose color and style for the fit trace.
  • Added support for contour plots.
  • Global preferences are not overwritten completely by local references anymore.
  • Rearranged entries in the settings menu.
Release File: Super Quick (12.31 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.08
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 08
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Fixed bug: Derived parameters for ExpConvExp were wrong.
  • Now SuperQuickFit() can be invoked in user code and the command line.
  • Fixed bug: 2D data could not be properly read if the name was liberal.
Release File: Super Quick (11.72 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.07
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 07
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Added support for fitting traces from 2D waves.
  • Added additional derived parameters for ExpConvExp (thanks to Oleg Dyachok from Uppsala University for the help).
  • Added confidence intervals to the area of the ExpModGauss and ExpConvExp functions.
  • Changed behavior: Now the cursor placement does not set the baseline, but only decides the fit range.
Release File: Super Quick (11.01 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.06
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 06
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Fixed bug: EMG and ExpConvExp guesses did not work for XY data when the y-wave was scaled.
  • Added peak-area output to EMG peak.
  • Added option to align the fit trace to the source trace (thanks to Oleg Dyachok from Uppsala University for the idea).
Release File: Super Quick (10.38 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.05
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 05
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Added ExpConvExp function (thanks to Oleg Dyachok from Uppsala University for the idea).
  • Now negative EMG peaks can be fitted.
  • Fixed bug: 'use cursor' was not working for small delta-scaling.
Release File: Super Quick (9.75 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.04
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 04
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • 'Clean-up' now only removes fit-related variables.
  • Derived values will be added to wave notes as well.
  • Improved guess for DoubleGauss function.
Release File: Super Quick (9.53 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.03
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 03
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:
  • Improved guess for EF parameter in Fermi-Line guess function.
  • Improved derived parameters for EMG peak shape.
Release File: Super Quick (9.48 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.02
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 02
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Fixed bug: Missing M_Covar for Line fit was not handled properly.

Release File: Super Quick (9.38 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.01
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 01
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Added textbox preferences.

Release File: Super Quick (8.4 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.00
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Initial public release.




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