Gizmo Control for Scatter Plots

GCscatter (Gizmo Control for scatter plots) makes it easy to manipulate 3D scatter plots by collecting commonly needed controls in a convenient panel. Advanced settings and more info are available in the Gizmo Control menu.

Controls include: axis on/off, labels, ranges, ticks; window position and zoom; bonds, symbols and sizes, etc.

The control panel can be minimized, and is hidden when the Gizmo window is not active. When you reactivate it, the panel reappears. Multiple scatter gizmos can be used.

The 3D window can be exported as a 2D image or converted to a 2D image wave within Igor.

The GizmoControl menu provides access to helps as well as Igor gizmo panels and helps.

A user guide is included as well as an example scatter wave.

All procedures are in an independent module, which can be integrated into other Igor experiments.


Project Details

Current Project Release

Gizmo Control for Scatter Plots IGOR.7.00.x-1.1

Release File: GCscatter1_1.pxp (275.46 KB)
Version: IGOR.7.00.x-1.1
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 1
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Initial release
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