
The RatioImg procedures are a set of Igor procedure files which provide convenient data loading, browsing, annotation, and measurement of ratiometric imaging experiments. They were written in 1999 by Howard Rodstein at WaveMetrics and Mark N. Rand at the Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle using Igor Pro 3.1. Minor updates were made in 2007 to work with Igor Pro 6.

Project Details

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Current Project Release

WMHRRatioImg IGOR.5.00.x-1.1.x-dev

Release File: WMHRRatioImg-IGOR.5.00.x-1.1.x-dev.zip (1009.8 KB)
Version: IGOR.5.00.x-1.1.x-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Extra: dev
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: This is the development version of the RatioImg project.

This has been tested with Igor Pro 6.
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