Demo Carnot Cycle


This stand-alone demonstration shows the behavior of a Carnot cycle.

Distribution Details

  • Experiments: Demo Carnot Cycle
  • Procedure Files: self-contained (adopted)
  • XOPS: none
  • Requires Packages: NONE
  • Help Files: a notebook outlines the operation in the demo
  • Documentation: the Web pages for this project


The demonstration is self-contained.


Picture of demonstration graph and panel

Project Details

Current Project Release

Release File: Demo Carnot Cycle (47.02 KB)
Version: 3.10
Version Date:
Version Major: 3
Version Patch Level: 10
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Bug Fixes

  • now includes adopted procedure file
  • turning on clip lines and turning back off now properly shows the checkbox for show V,p values


  • fresh compile and Reset now also set the Vlc and Vuc values
  • includes the epsilon symbol for the Heat Engine efficiency
  • says Total Work
View All Releases

I think the CarnotpVCalculator ipf was not adopted in the pxp released as version 3.00?

'Adibate intersections' looks like a typo, and adiabates should be adiabats

I'm looking forward to trying out a fixed version!




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