
User's Content:

Type Title Last Updated
Project SpXZeigR - Graphing for Chemical Spectroscopies Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic File Loaders Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: Structure and Functions Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Periodic Table Panel Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: XML Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: Delimited Text Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Function to Use Relative Window Sizes Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Screen Sizer Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Procedure File Manager Panel Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Expand A Numerical Input Range to All Values Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Include Modify Note in Data Browser Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: IR Data Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project XML Note Tools Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Storing History for Reprocessing a Wave Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Creating/Editing/Analyzing Movies Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Create New Notebook With Options Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Easy New Notebook Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Using Hooks in Independent Modules Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Checking for Package Existence??? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Link Display Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Sum Scaled Waves of Different Lengths Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Igor Pro Articles and Reviews 07/27/2018 - 13:47
Project Planck Distribution Plot 12/18/2018 - 07:49
Forum topic Moving Panels without Changing Their Size Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: Input Panel Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: Mini-Soft Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: All Core Packages Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SFL: CorrWare Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic XML Format for Igor Pro Preferences? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Creating a GrepList Template to Bypass Special Characters? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Questions When Starting to Create XOPs Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Transform Axes Canned Transformations Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic (Re)Thinking the Setup of the Igor Pro Wish List Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Set Igor Sleep Meter Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Consistency in WinType with WinList and WinName Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet A (Standard) Way to Get Help on and Remove Packages Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Consistency in Default for GetWindow and MoveWindow Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Setting a Language Localization? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic A Function to Compare DFREF Values Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project LinkVS Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic WinList(.... [visibleWindowsOnly]) Parameter? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Minimize, Restore, and Maximize Windows on Mac OS X Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Tidy Screen Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Getting a Return Value from an Independent Module Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Print Structures to Notebooks? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Checking Exists(Function) from Inside Independent Modules Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Data Browser Preference: Show/Hide Packages Folder Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic A New Autscale Axis Flag Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Clear Recent Experiments/Files Listings Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Problem Transferring Structures between Procedures Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Extend a Panel In Only One Direction Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Scroll Traces 12/18/2021 - 14:46
Forum topic Problem Reading Tab Delimited File with Empty First Cell Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Thanks! Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Suggestion: Replace Highest Rated by Most Recent Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic A "Standard" Menu Location for User-Developed Packages Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Clearing Empty User Defined Hook Functions? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Popup Menu of Root DataFolders Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Problems with Igor Listserver? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Wave2LaTeX 07/26/2018 - 02:00
Forum topic SVN Commit Hooks / Subversion Tags on IgorExchange Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Using/Accessing SVN Keywords in Procedure Files Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Make Spectrum Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project XRD Calculator Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Clear Command Buffer Button Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Growl Notify Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Mac OS Igor Pro in Two Flavors? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Commentize/Decommentize Keyboard Shortcuts Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Return a Date|Time Stamp Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Keyboard Shortcut for Page Break in Notebook Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project SnapIt! 10/17/2021 - 08:56
Forum topic Weighted Average Operation/Function? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic RSS Feed with IgorExchange Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Using SVN Protocols at IgorExchange from Firefox on MacOS X Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Demo Carnot Cycle 03/27/2023 - 12:51
Project Gibb's Energy Curves Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Generate a Rotatable Ellipse Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Rotatable Ellipsoid Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Extension of Igor Pro <- Excel Functions Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Initial Values of Strings Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Excel Functions Mapped to Igor Pro Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Package Tool Functions? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Package Tools Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Example Use of Package Tools StartorNewHook Function Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Annotation Tools Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic A Packages Menu? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic PrefixString Equivalent for PadString? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Change Annotation Anchor without Moving Its Location? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Project Summary Page Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic LoadPackagePreferences/Z Flag Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Change Layout of Package Page Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Synopsis: Programming With Modules and IndependentModules Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Test for Recompile? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic GetWindow Behavior Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet AutoScaler Panel for Table Column Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic "Sticky" Change Wave Scaling Dialog Box Method Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Fiber Composite Designer 12/18/2018 - 07:52
Forum topic Unfamiliar Syntax in Function Call Parameters Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Locking and Subwindows? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Activating and Controlling Subwindows Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Scale XY by Same Range Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Merge Experiment Without Loading Procedure File Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Merge Experiment(s) to Current Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Hiding Notebooks Embedded in Panels Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Global Symbols Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Handling Invalid hrefnum for Capture History Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Log Book 05/08/2024 - 08:55
Forum topic Missing GetKeyState(0) Return Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet DataBrowser Folder Versioning Button Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Syntax for SavePICT/SNAP? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic IntegrateODE Oddities Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Kinetic Reaction Demo 12/18/2018 - 09:42
Forum topic Running Igor in a Master/Slave Setup Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Activating General Services Options for Notebooks Under MacOS Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Demo Chemical Bonding Curves 04/01/2023 - 09:36
Forum topic Problem Sorting Snippet List on IgorExchange Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Effects of MacOS Sandbox on Igor 7 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Selective Plots of Multi-Parameter Equations? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Subdivision of Projects? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Control Panel Displays of (Global) Values in Igor 7 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Storing the history of how a wave has been manipulated? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic What methods could be used to fit to this case? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Get List of Named Window Hook Functions Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Mirror or UnMirror a Wave Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Video Capture from USB Devices Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Odd Behavior Returns NaN - Bug?? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project van der Waals Isotherm Plots Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic How hard is it to develop XOPs (when you already have some C/C++ experience)? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Why does this loop for wave assignments not work? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Example Keystroke Codes for Window Hook Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic How to start with image processing and analysis? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic StatsTTest Values? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Statistics from Experimental Data 12/18/2018 - 07:55
Project Demo Semiconductor Conductivity 05/02/2023 - 14:01
Forum topic Translate Spreadsheet Commands to MatrixOP? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Correcting Images without Histogram Wrapping? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Issue with Mirror Axis on Inserted Axes Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic How would I use FFT for derivatives? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project PHI SPE File Loader 10/12/2018 - 11:45
Project Demo Fermi Distribution 03/27/2023 - 15:48
Forum topic Igor Pro for Direct (shell or batch) Control 02/01/2021 - 08:23
Forum topic Help to Build Proper Expression for Complicated FuncFit Case Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Importing Nikon NEF Image Files Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Soliciting Collaborators for Image Tools Package Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic How do I auto-update a procedure call ONLY at slider tick marks? Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Specific example of function for background fit Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic New operation to normalize for non-uniform illumination Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Scaling waves for long ranges on log axis plots Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Comparison of Igor Pro, python, Maple, and MatLab 08/26/2018 - 13:17
Forum topic LaTeX in Igor Pro (via Local Compilation) 09/19/2018 - 09:07
Forum topic Issues with ZERO on SetVariable Controls 09/24/2018 - 16:46
Forum topic Force Input Control Rounding on SetVariables 09/27/2018 - 09:42
Forum topic Can we capture an image of the Data Browser window? 11/14/2018 - 09:04
Forum topic How do I determine the current tab selected on a panel when it is (re)activated? 01/20/2019 - 19:55
Forum topic Any package to handle display + snapshot capture of movies? 02/08/2019 - 12:55
Forum topic Request Updates to PlayMovie and PlayMovieAction 02/16/2019 - 13:29
Forum topic Option to Put Panels on Layouts 04/23/2019 - 07:52
Forum topic Function to Read Ruler Settings in Notebook 05/06/2019 - 06:06
Forum topic Export Notebooks in Markdown Format 05/08/2019 - 11:41
Forum topic Include Option to Paste Spreadsheet Row Directly as Column Wave 05/21/2019 - 11:25
Forum topic Better way to read number of images in a TIFF stack 06/13/2019 - 17:02
Forum topic Request a DuplicateGraph(...) Function 06/21/2022 - 07:56
Forum topic Axis Designations in SetMarquee Operation 03/17/2020 - 19:03
Forum topic Provide Limits to Ranges of Line Style Cursors 07/10/2019 - 06:19
Forum topic Why does ImageHistogram not respect the image wave type exactly? 07/16/2019 - 12:00
Forum topic Differences in Image Histograms for ImageThreshold on 16bit Images 07/12/2019 - 08:27
Forum topic Issue with in-line logical operation to fill text wave 07/21/2019 - 11:29
Forum topic Is the Add Page command for Layouts accessible in functions? 07/22/2019 - 11:18
Forum topic Starting a Package to Work on Images using Igor Pro 07/27/2019 - 17:01
Project Image Tools 03/30/2024 - 16:07
Project Demo VLE Diagrams 09/13/2023 - 13:24
Forum topic A Zero Line at values other than zero? 10/24/2019 - 09:54
Forum topic How can I graph a vertical line using x-scaling? 10/30/2019 - 14:56
Forum topic Odd placement of sliders in images of panels 12/05/2019 - 14:46
Forum topic Request SDFR Flags on StructGet/StructPut 12/14/2019 - 05:25
Forum topic Compile error in StructGet? 12/16/2019 - 13:38
Forum topic Additional Flags for ImageLoad 12/26/2019 - 14:44
Forum topic How do I display distinct planes from 16bit image stacks? 01/02/2020 - 14:19
Forum topic Example data for ternary phase diagram contour demo? 01/20/2020 - 20:39
Forum topic Search for rising edge going backward in wave? 01/20/2020 - 08:30
Forum topic Unexpected behavior of undeclared parameter in MatrixOP 01/24/2020 - 18:06
Code Snippet Radial Profiler 02/14/2020 - 16:39
Forum topic Issues with bodywidth and pos settings on panel controls 03/30/2020 - 15:43
Forum topic Replace loop over image stack calculations? 04/04/2020 - 05:40
Forum topic Help with ImageThreshold to avoid empty planes in a stack? 04/12/2020 - 07:14
Forum topic Further example to translate to multi-thread? 04/23/2020 - 19:01
Forum topic Help with Colorize... menu option 04/18/2020 - 13:21
Code Snippet Panel Control to Draw or Edit Marker Waves 04/24/2020 - 09:19
Forum topic Best practices to have portable GUI appearance on controls? 05/12/2020 - 14:31
Forum topic Values from Empirical Distribution Functions 05/20/2020 - 12:49
Code Snippet Moments from an Empirical Distribution 05/20/2020 - 12:54
Project Radial Profiler Demo 07/14/2020 - 10:13
Forum topic ISO Algorithm to Apply Smallest Circle Problem 06/08/2020 - 13:13
Code Snippet Find Smallest Circle Fit to Image Blob 06/08/2020 - 12:00
Forum topic Reference Books for Best Practices in Coding for Igor Pro? 06/28/2020 - 13:59
Forum topic One Step Operation to Copy Image Scales? 07/08/2020 - 09:15
Forum topic Thanks for the cool things! 07/31/2020 - 08:36
Forum topic Average Waves Panel to do a weighted average? 07/30/2020 - 16:34
Forum topic Igor Pro on macOS Big Sur? 11/13/2020 - 00:12
Project McCabe-Thiel Plot Demonstration 11/06/2020 - 07:16
Forum topic Function or operation or method to "transpose" a wave? 11/30/2020 - 09:21
Forum topic Odd behavior in absolute graph size depending on marker or line 12/09/2020 - 07:10
Forum topic How do I extract the annotation color bar? 12/24/2020 - 14:50
Code Snippet Create Stand-Alone Color Calibrator Scale Bar 12/24/2020 - 16:18
Forum topic How can I convert a log axis scale with a negative offset? 01/04/2021 - 16:35
Forum topic Reference Link to a macOS Application to Lay Out Graphics 01/07/2021 - 15:28
Forum topic Removing hot pixels from an image? 02/10/2021 - 14:09
Forum topic Igor Pro Language for Listings in LaTeX? 04/26/2021 - 11:49
Forum topic Negative Offsets to Indicate Reverse List Searches? 04/16/2021 - 10:09
Code Snippet Save Experiment SnapShot with Date+Time Stamp Suffix 04/16/2021 - 06:09
Forum topic A DataFolderList function? 04/22/2021 - 23:42
Project Window Notes 05/17/2023 - 10:48
Forum topic Empty or Blank Characters in Annotation Escape Commands? 10/16/2021 - 07:28
Code Snippet Layout Front Set (Graph + Panel) 11/10/2021 - 06:02
Code Snippet Scroll Through a Trace 11/11/2021 - 16:04
Forum topic How to open a help file in the same path as procedure file? 12/14/2021 - 15:44
Forum topic Hide/Show Igor Menus Question 02/09/2022 - 20:40
Forum topic A way to bind procedure files into an experiment? 02/11/2022 - 11:43
Project Demo Setup Tools 05/02/2023 - 18:31
Forum topic ISO: Modeling top views for structures of atoms in surface planes for liquids 03/22/2022 - 01:55
Forum topic Force ImageHistogram to respect a specific image bit depth 12/21/2022 - 13:43
Forum topic Finding the intersection point in a loop curve 02/07/2023 - 10:10
Forum topic How to clean up (remove) packages on Igor Exchange? 03/10/2023 - 06:10
Forum topic How can I store a string as an encrypted password string? 03/14/2023 - 20:12
Project Demo Alloy Resistivity 03/15/2023 - 19:07
Project Demo Wave Packet 03/15/2023 - 18:49
Forum topic Can we set/access gname before invoking UI drawing tools? 03/21/2023 - 14:04
Project Demo Waves in Materials 03/27/2023 - 12:45
Project Demo Polarizations in Materials 03/27/2023 - 16:01
Forum topic Limitations on the getData option to the Notebook command? 03/29/2023 - 16:39
Project LaTeX To Picture 03/29/2023 - 14:45
Project Demo Materials Oxidation Rates 03/30/2023 - 19:22
Forum topic Extend GetIndexedObjName to return list of all objects 04/17/2023 - 06:15
Forum topic ReplaceWaves for Tables? 04/25/2023 - 07:22
Forum topic List #included and #adopted procedures in experiment information 04/30/2023 - 09:22
Forum topic Observations using drawing tools 05/14/2023 - 07:16
Forum topic Getting information about the dates for the current experiment? 05/18/2023 - 11:03
Code Snippet Saving a Notebook to Markdown (with full view of graphics) 05/17/2023 - 11:10
Forum topic Get state of IndependentModuleDev? 06/06/2023 - 07:58
Forum topic MoveWindow command with relative screen inputs 06/26/2023 - 07:47
Forum topic Translating MatLab matrix multiplications to Igor Pro? 06/30/2023 - 10:12
Forum topic Can ImageStats also return the v_sum value? 08/04/2023 - 06:17
Forum topic Checking for same sizes on images before loading? 08/16/2023 - 04:19
Forum topic Request additional flag for ImageGenerateRoIMask 09/28/2023 - 13:57
Forum topic Wish for an easier way to put graph windows on layouts 11/18/2023 - 09:46
Forum topic Request additional options to remove all trace instances 01/21/2024 - 09:27
Forum topic ISO file reader for Digital Surf formats 03/18/2024 - 19:01
Forum topic What parameters best characterize a cluster in a 2-D data set? 05/03/2024 - 18:20
Forum topic Additional option to WinList(..."VISIBLE:...") function 04/27/2024 - 08:26
Forum topic Providing a way to make a "hard" direct link between a y-wave and its x-wave 07/03/2024 - 08:49